If anything you ever liked o b'luru was its weather.... its one of the most best thing you ever feel. But off late from past 2 or 3 years... its not been the same. Blame it on the usual global warming or the huge chunk apartments coming up in every corner of the city or outside the city limits, with flyovers, underpasses and METRO train making way of cutting loads of greenery, its getting worst.
I never felt so warm of all my years stay in b'luru till now, but year 2012 seem to be the worst in terms of heat being seen in b'luru. My sister who stays in Gulbarga, which is known for its worst summer days feels very hot and comparing to G'barga where it seems its raining alternate days with heavy breeze.
I've seen people wearing thermal wears even during the peak of summer in older days, but now you're forced to remove your dress due to the hot humid conditions.
Hope, some incessant rain brings some coldness to this city....
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